What is the best way to handle a situation where your cash flow is suddenly cut off?


May 31, 2022
What is the best way to handle a situation where your cash flow is suddenly cut off?


Sep 22, 2022
What is the best way to handle a situation where your cash flow is suddenly cut off?
The best way to handle a situation where your cash flow is suddenly cut off is to have a plan in place. No matter what happens, you always want to be prepared with an exit strategy. This could mean having a small emergency fund set aside for the unexpected, or it could mean having an emergency fund that's large enough to cover your expenses for months at a time.

A good rule of thumb is to have 3-6 months' worth of expenses saved up as an emergency cushion. If that sounds like too much money, think about all of the different ways you could put it toward paying off debt or saving up for something important like a down payment on a house.

If you don't have any backup cash—or if your backup cash isn't enough—then it's time to figure out how you're going to get some more money. Maybe you can ask friends or family members for help, maybe there's some freelance work you can do on the side, or maybe there's a side hustle idea that hasn't occurred to you yet but would make sense as an option now.