Cryptocurrency is an electronic medium of exchange, similar to regular currency. The main difference between the two is that cryptocurrency is not backed by any government or institution, but rather by a group of people who have decided to use it as a way of exchanging goods and services.
Cryptocurrency was created in order to be used as a form of payment for transactions on the internet. It can be used to buy things like books, clothes, food and other items that are available via the internet.
It's important to note that there are many different types of cryptocurrencies out there and they aren't all created equally. Some are better than others and some are easier to use than others. The most popular kind right now is Bitcoin, but other types such as Ethereum and Litecoin are also well known amongst traders/investors/buyers alike.
The only way you can get your hands on some cryptocurrency is by buying it from someone else who already owns some (or has been given some as payment). You'll need something called an online wallet in order to store your money safely online until you need it again later down the line - this could be years from now if necessary (depending on how much money you're investing!).