Communication which is saving islands all around the world
Greening the Islands is an organization who innovated for a support of self-suffieciency and sustainability of islands all around the world.
They make real communication between local authorities, business, people who live in the islands and academia.
They want to have a model for circular economics in harmony with nature. Their goal is testing in the islands new economic and lifestyle models which could be applied everywhere in the world.
Now they are united more than 400 speakers, more than 100 companies, more than 7000 islands, 59 institutions supporting them.
They created a platform for keeping communication, they make conferences to promote synergies and explore three pillars of the green economy - energy, water and mobility. Also there are observatory and academy to support a process of implementation of strategies and plans of governments and corporates.
Soon they lunching a crowd funding campaign in Seedr so you could be one of the angel investors.