SquareBook create a platform for a safe IPO process


Staff member
May 18, 2022

SquareBook create a platform for a safe IPO process​


Thats a new type of company - digital auction platform built in FCA innovation hub and FCA authorised.
Was tested with major asset managers that provides a fairer, more transparent IPO process that’s fit for modern companies and markets.

Platform provides transparency to the process, as the company displays all information about the investment opportunity.

Giving a chance to companies a new way to carry out all kinds of equity raise by bringing together issuers, advisers and investors.

They are equity raising more efficient and cost-effective by connecting issuers with the right investors.

Platform was created by a group of experienced and talented professionals with a solid track record in the financial industry.
They have been working together for many years and our combined expertise has helped us develop a comprehensive understanding of the needs of the market.