What are some things that need to happen before cryptocurrency can become mainstream?


Sep 10, 2022
What are some things that need to happen before cryptocurrency can become mainstream?


Sep 14, 2022
There are several things that need to happen before cryptocurrency can become mainstream.

First, the industry needs to get rid of its reputation as a "wild west." There are still a lot of people out there who think it's just for drug dealers and money launderers. As long as that's true, most people will never be interested in buying cryptocurrencies or using them as currency.

Second, we need better education around what cryptocurrencies are, how they work, and why they matter. There's still too much misinformation out there about what cryptocurrencies are and how they function—and if we don't get this right soon, it could scare away some of the people who are interested in learning more about them.

Third, we need better regulation around how these currencies can be used by consumers and businesses alike. Right now it's relatively easy for anyone with access to an internet connection to open up an account on Coinbase or Kraken and start buying up Bitcoin (or whatever coin they like). But this kind of unregulated market isn't going to last much longer—and when it does change

Felix Hans

Sep 14, 2022
First, the government needs to stop classifying cryptocurrencies as property, and start treating them as currency. This will make it much easier for people to use them in transactions and make buying and selling easier.

Second, there needs to be more education about how cryptocurrencies work and how they can be used by consumers. People need to understand how they work in order for them to become a viable option for everyday purchases or investments.

Third, there needs to be more investment in blockchain technology so that we can create better platforms for storing information and making transactions with cryptocurrency. The more investment we have in this area, the faster technology will advance and become more accessible for everyone.


Sep 10, 2022
What are some things that need to happen before cryptocurrency can become mainstream?
There are a lot of things that need to happen before cryptocurrency can become mainstream. First, we need more people to understand what it is and how it works. Second, we need more people to trust it as an investment. Third, we need more people to accept it as a payment method.

We need more people to understand what cryptocurrency is so they can educate their friends and family about the technology behind it. There are tons of resources online that explain everything you could ever want to know about cryptocurrencies—so if you don't have time right now, bookmark this page and come back later when you do!

We also need more people to trust cryptocurrencies as investments so they can buy them without worrying about getting scammed or losing money on something that's not real money (which is important because most people would rather invest in something tangible instead of something intangible). This requires education about what makes these coins different from other stocks or bonds; why they're worth investing in; and how they're going to make money for everyone involved once they go mainstream.