What are the steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Alex B.

Sep 18, 2022
Having a mentor in the space.
Always being a keen learner.
Seeking advice from other entrepreneurs
Networking with good investors
Having a solid product or service idea that can find it's niche product market fit.


Sep 22, 2022
I would say the first step to becoming a successful entrepreneur is to be honest with yourself.

As an entrepreneur, you're going to have to rely on yourself for everything. You'll need to be able to make decisions on your own and take responsibility for them, so the more comfortable you are with who you are and what your strengths are, the better off you'll be.

Next, I'd recommend setting goals for yourself. If this seems too daunting, start small—maybe just pick one goal that you want to accomplish within the next week or month. Then when that's done, pick another one! It's important not only to set goals so that you can see how far along you've come, but also because it helps keep things in perspective when life gets hard.

Finally, I'd say it's important not only to find mentors but also people who are willing to teach others what they've learned along the way. This will help keep everyone accountable (and hopefully drive out some of those bad habits).

David Viera

Sep 22, 2022
Ever wondered what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
The most important thing is to have the courage to make your own decisions. Think about it: when you're an employee, you get paid based on how well you fill in the tasks that are assigned to you. But as an entrepreneur, you get paid based on how well you fill in the gaps—the things no one else wants to do or knows how to do.

So instead of waiting for someone else to tell you what needs doing and how to do it, take initiative: figure out what needs doing and then go do it!

That's where most people stop their thinking, but if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, keep going! After all, if no one else is going to do something, why not step up and take responsibility?

When we take responsibility for our actions (and inaction) and hold ourselves accountable for our results, we get better at achieving them. So if there's something that needs doing but nobody else seems interested in doing it...maybe they won't notice if YOU don't either!

It's not easy being an entrepreneur—you're always responsible for everything that happens under your watch. But when things go right...


Sep 22, 2022
Ever wondered what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
You have to be able to sell yourself. Anyone who's ever been in sales knows that being able to sell yourself is the cornerstone of success. You can't make anyone buy anything if they don't like or trust you. That's just the way it works.

But there are several other factors that go into being a successful entrepreneur, too. For instance:
  • Are you willing to work hard? As an entrepreneur, you're going to be working all the time. You'll be managing your own schedule and taking care of any issues that come up on your own—and there will always be issues that come up! The best entrepreneurs know how important it is to stay motivated when things get tough and keep working toward their goals despite whatever setbacks they may encounter along the way.
  • Are you creative? Entrepreneurs need creativity because they're constantly coming up with new ideas for how to improve their products or services and how to reach more customers through advertising campaigns or social media outreach efforts like Instagram stories (which are so much better than Snapchat stories if I'm honest).