What do you think of Blockchain technology?
Blockchain technology is the future. The question isn’t whether or not it will be adopted, but when, and how quickly it will be. Right now, we have a lot of big players in the financial industry who are working on it. For example, JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup just announced that they were developing their own blockchains. And there are others: Goldman Sachs is working on one too.
The reason these companies are doing this is because blockchain technology is an excellent way to store data securely and accurately. It does this by creating a ledger that has all of its transactions encrypted, which means that only those who have permission can access them. This makes fraud very difficult to commit because no one can change what has already been recorded without other people knowing about it—and they won't let that happen unless they know exactly what they're doing!
Blockchains also allow us to create smart contracts: contracts where both parties agree beforehand exactly how much money should be paid out at certain times, rather than having to rely on someone's memory later on down the road (which could lead to mistakes). This means that we won't need lawyers as much anymore—and that means more money saved.