What is your background in blockchain and cryptocurrency?
I'm a blockchain and cryptocurrency expert because I've been studying the topic for years. I started in college. My first class was in computer science and it was called "Introduction to Bitcoin." I had no idea what Bitcoin was, but the professor was so excited about it that I was too! After that, I started getting more involved with cryptocurrency.
Then, once I graduated from college, I decided to start working as an entrepreneur. When I first started out, it was really hard to find a job because nobody wanted to hire someone with no prior experience—even if they were willing to learn new skills.
So, instead of looking for a job right away after graduation, I decided to stay home and teach myself everything there was to know about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology...and soon enough, people started asking me questions about it! They'd say things like "Hey, do you know what Ethereum is?" or "I heard this guy talking about Bitcoin on TV last night." And guess who always had an answer? Me! It wasn't long before word got around town about my expertise—and then when it did... boom! People started offering me jobs left and right.