How do you know if a startup is worth investing in?

Alex B.

Sep 18, 2022
If it's books are clean.
The founder is honest.
Has a clear vision.
Respects advice from investors and allows them access to financial information that's clean.
Has a solid product market fit.
Doesn't require too much of an R&D budget in its starting years.
Has a focus on no more than two-three product or services their business is offering.


Sep 22, 2022
How do you know if a startup is worth investing in?
There are a lot of ways to tell whether a startup is worth investing in. First, you have to understand the company's business model. If they're trying to build something that already exists, or if they're just doing something that sounds good on paper but doesn't make sense in the real world, then it won't last long. So make sure you understand what they're making and why they're making it.

Next, look at their team. Is it diverse? Are they competent and skilled? Do they have experience working together before? Have they worked together before? You don't want someone who's going to drop out of school because they're bored or quit because their project isn't going well—you want people who are committed to seeing this through for the long haul.

Lastly, look at their funding sources and investors. Who's backing them? What are their credentials? How much money have they raised so far? If there's no solid evidence that someone else thinks this idea has potential, then maybe it doesn't!

David Viera

Sep 22, 2022
How do you know if a startup is worth investing in?
I have found that the best way to know if a startup is worth investing in is to look at its leadership team. If you see two or more people who are smart, driven, and passionate about what they do, then that's a good sign that the company will succeed.

The same goes for CEOs who understand what they're doing and can explain it clearly; they'll make sure that everyone else on the team understands their roles and objectives as well.

Another thing I like to look at is the company's mission statement. It should be short and sweet—and not just because people don't have time to read long documents these days! It needs to tell you exactly what the business is all about, why it exists, and how it plans to achieve its goals over time.

You also want to look at whether or not there's accountability within this mission statement; if there isn't any accountability then chances are good that things won't work out well for everyone involved down the line."